Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of confusion for some regarding the difference between Magda's Angels Place and Giurgiu Shelter.
This bulletin is meant as a clarification for people to better understand the difference.
Magda Radu and the private shelter she runs is called Angels Place and is LOCATED in Giurgiu, Romania - the Romanian county (see the map below).
This is not to be confused with the public shelter of Giurgiu which has nothing to do with Magda or Angels Place.
It seems - due to language barriers or lack in research on the subject - that people confuse Giurgiu shelter with Magda Radu's Angels Place and vice versa.
For further clarification, the ONLY account for donations to Magda Radu and Magda's Angels Place is:
PAYPAL: phoenix_animale@yahoo.com
IBAN and Swiftcode:
NGO Phoenix-animal protection and human care;
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