Asociatia PetHope consists of 10 active people that came together out of love for animals.
Their animal protection association was founded in April 2010.
They focus on spay & neuter, education and emergencies.
"Basically we focus on spay/neuter as it is the only way to do something for the future of these dogs, but we never turn away when an animal is suffering and help urgent cases. We also help when it comes to adoptions, national and international.
We have at the moment 50 dogs in our care, half of them are dogs that need special care after something bad happened to them. The others are living in a mini-shelter and waiting for forever homes." -Alina, PetHope

Stray dogs are mainly found on companies and factories premises. Dogs are fed there by employees and are able to reproduce very quickly.
This is one of the reasons why Pet Hope, together with the Timisoara City Hall, started a program to spay and neuter the dogs living at companies and factories.
The City Hall will pay for the materials used in surgeries and Pet Hope has to pay for for veterinarian services.
PetHope also has a separate spay&neuter program which they started together with the students from ASMVT (the veterinary students association from Timisoara).
Together with ASMVT we are trying to build, step by step, our own spay and neuter program.
The plan is to build a post-op space (which has already started), to get a car, and to raise money for the spay and neuter itself.
Ideally, some day we dream of having our own spay/neuter clinic (optionally mobile), where vets can volunteer every day.
In order to do all that we need a lot of help: volunteers, funds, support of the authorities. Everyone should get involved because it is a problem of the community, not only of animal lovers.
Almost every day we are called for animals who are suffering, all over the city.
Sometimes, what we see is horrible and the amount of suffering is huge.
Here you can see a few cases:
Sometimes, what we see is horrible and the amount of suffering is huge.
Here you can see a few cases:
Sometimes people say: "You put so much energy in saving only one dog, when you could save so many others instead!". But look at these pictures, look in their eyes and tell us it is not worth it or that you wouldn't do the same?
Together with the students from the veterinary faculty,
we are building a space where dogs or cats can stay
after their surgery, but also our, lately many, emergencies.
The students do a great, great job and without the kind
The students do a great, great job and without the kind
donations of some Pet Hope members we couldn't do it.

But soon realized it just isn't possible to take them all.
Many of them got adopted, but some weren't so lucky. Now they have grown. The perspective of keeping them in a mini-shelter all their lives is depressing.
Newer dogs come from emergencies and abuse.
"These kennels are the best we can do for our dogs right now... Conditions are not the best as you can see, but the dogs are healthy and still sociable. Though they cannot live all their lives in here...."
"These (the ones occupying the mini-shelter at the moment) are just some of our dogs who are strong enough to live like this. Others are in foster homes."
PetHope has partnered up with two animal protection associations in Germany.
Once a month they send dogs and cats which have found families there.
Once a month they send dogs and cats which have found families there.
"Because Facebook is being such a great help, we have found more wonderful people from all over Europe that are adopting animals from Romania."
In the end of 2011 musician Nicolae Bialis had a wonderful idea: to organize a concert with his fellow artists for the strays in Timisoara by fund raising, but most important to show the support of the artists for the "spay/neuter" method.
"The result has been fantastic, and we thank all the people involved from the bottom of our hearts!"
The local theater and the local opera house took the organization of the event in their own skillful hands and together with Pet Hope, the Art Time Association and the Association for Timisoara Cultural Capital of Europe, put up an astonishing event.
Through the show PetHope displayed a presentation with photos they had gathered during the years of their activities: cases they'd found, animals they'd saved, situations they had recorded and the important message for spay/neuter.
"The guests donated 5033 RON (around 1200 Euros) which we will use very carefully to continue the spay/neuter campaign."
PetHope also arranges adoption fairs, demonstration campaigns, attends festivals with their dogs etc. They also have met local Parliament members in order to promote spay & neuter.
If you wish to be part of the change and help PetHope with their amazing work, please donate, adopt and share!
Lei Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
IBAN: RO96 RZBR 0000 0600 1253 5915
Banca Raiffeisen Bank
CIF 26863617
Euro Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
RO45 RZBR 0000 0600 1378 2216
Banca Raiffeisen Bank
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