April 9, 2012

Romania Animal Helpline

For anyone and everyone living in Romania - Romania Animal Helpline

"Romania Animal Helpline was initiated to provide the first structured support Helpline in Eastern Europe with the objective of ensuring that abuse of animals will be successfully prosecuted under the existing Animal Welfare Laws. The Helpline will operate initially in Bucharest with a view to expanding as resources permit.

This initiative is to facilitate the introduction of an animal cruelty Helpline in Romania. For anyone reporting an incident, Helpline will provide them with a 24/7 response by volunteers, who will in turn have immediate access to a veterinary surgeon and legal advice.

 In addition to the animal being afforded swift attention, a legally compliant, evidence supported process will be initiated with a view to prosecuting the person or persons responsible. Arrangements will be made for the rescued animal to receive medical treatment and to be temporarily fostered until a permanent home can be found

It is envisaged that with each successful prosecution, a case history will be created and act as precedent for subsequent cases.. Also as more successful prosecutions are publicised, the likelihood of criminal acts of abuse will diminish with the deterrent  of a fine or custodial sentence. It is also envisaged the the status and regard for animals will increase as they will be equated to a person's financial disadvantage or personal liberty, whereas currently an animals value is freely disposable."


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