Anda Murgu is a 41 year old amazing woman that puts all her energy and effort into helping the dogs in Bucharest and in her area. She has in her care, at the moment, 123 dogs and 19 cats. All her dogs are from the streets, saved from difficult conditions and from public shelters. She also helps other people with their dogs, and actively participates in local sterilization campaigns.

Anda and her dogs live in a small village called Frumusani, about 20 km from Bucharest. The people in the neighborhood leave her and the dogs alone - as long as they gain something from it... If not given something, they'll make problems.
When interviewing Anda, I asked if saving dogs has always been a part of her life, or if something happened that made her get involved with rescuing dogs.
"When I was child, an adolescent and young - I wasn't involved in animal rescue. I didn't have animals while growing up. At the age of 25 I found a puppy in the snow and took him with me. From then on, I've been involved in animal rescue." Anda says.

Pelastetaan Koirat ry has recently started co-operating with Anda Murgu in order to help her and the dogs. Donations are greatly needed in order to ensure food and medical care for these dogs.
If you wish to help, and hopefully you do, here is the info needed:
Anda Murgu's facebook page
Donation Info:
Anda Murgu Romanian Rescue CHIP IN LINK:
Anda Murgu Romanian Rescue Pay Pal Address:
Anda Murgu's Email Address (for questions or concerns):
Address for Parcel Donations (via Anda's daughter):
Murgu Alina Mariana,
street Izvorul Crisului, no. 4, bl. A 15, sc. B, et. 3,
ap. 27, sector 4, code 040896,
Bucuresti , Romania.
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