December 19, 2012

The cold, harsh, unforgiving winter grabs Romania again.

"If you survive in the streets of Romania, you can survive anywhere."

The coldness of winter and the heat of summer are the two most difficult times for animals and animal lovers in Romania. Once again they are struggling with the relentless cold to keep animals alive. These are also the times when these amazing people need our help more than ever.

Asociatia ADOR, based in Botosani, sent out a desperate call for help on their facebook page today;
"Please please help us feed the dogs...we receive so small amounts for food and we are unable to feed all dogs properly....Christmas is coming for them also, but is finding them in cold, wind, snow and hungry.. please, make a small Christmas present to our dogs....the most needed thing is food! We only raised 260 dollars from the 3000 dollars we need to pay the food suppliers...please don't abandon us in this very hard times for us and the dogs!"

ADOR also does it's best to help the dogs at the Botosani Public Shelter, a typical Romanian public shelter where no dog should ever have to live - or die.

For more information on how to help ADOR and the Botosani dogs, please visit ADOR's facebook page

ADOR also has a chip-in for the dogfood they so desperately need:

ADOR isn't the only one struggling day in and day out to help animals survive the winter. Many romanian associations and animal lovers face the same exhausting battle. I will post more links and info in the days to come.

November 27, 2012

A Doua Sansa - A call for help

 The association A Doua Sansa, more commonly known as the Glina shelter, is struggling very hard at the moment to feed all 200 dogs at their shelter, and donations are much appreciated.

Winter is coming, and we all know it's one of the toughest times for the animals at the animal shelters in Romania, so if you can help, in any way, please do.

The link to A Doua Sansa's chipin:

A Doua Sansa's Paypal: 

For more information on the association please visit

October 5, 2012


"Images of horror on the streets in the center of Suceava. Most dogs lay dead on the sidewalk last night and some were dying in pain.

People blame the local authorities and say the animals were poisoned. Hall rejects the accusations, while those from the Sanitary-Veterinary say they can not do analysis to find the cause of death because the corpses disappeared overnight.

Among the victims were dogs with masters, who had been taken out for a walk and, after eating something off the floor, died in agony.

Representatives Hall reported that none of their subordination has spread poison on the street.

Most of the Sanitary-Veterinary say they can not be accused of anything without evidence. Dogs who died Wednesday night disappeared.

Most of the city's sanitation companies announced however that they did not raise corpses. Worse is that it's not the first time, in Suceava, poisoned dogs die on the streets."

July 19, 2012

Romania's Forgotten Eight

ANU organization, Animals need us - Brasov, is a small organization with only a handful of volunteers. They all have jobs, and help in their "spare time". ANU has no shelter of its own, so they had to struggle hard with everything that happened.

To understand why something like this has happened (probably in more places than just Sacele) you need to understand that 2012 is a year when elections take place in Romania. In June Romania had local elections where the mayors were elected. After that the president was suspended. One party, made the problem of the strays their motto, "We will kill all the stray dogs and get rid of them all for good". They started to do it before the elections so that people would see that they meant it, without any interest in what the few laws that Romania has say. They started to catch dogs from the streets, without having a legal shelter to take them to, so they improvised. The Sacele illegal shelter was only one that ANU happened to find.

About 40 dogs were caught between the 12th and 13th of April. The location where they took the dogs was a secret (and it is obvious why, the conditions were terrible and they wanted to kill the dogs to get rid of them). ANU found this location with much difficulty, and when they did, there were only 19 dogs left. What happened with the can only guess. The people of ANU hope that most of them escaped, as some other dogs did after they were found. The caretaker told ANU that there were about 40 initially, and some of them escaped, some of them died (there were very rough fights in there). Imagine 40 dogs in one room; males, females, puppies, females in heat... one female even gave birth in there.

About the 19 dogs that ANU found

One was adopted, 2 dogs had broken legs and opened fractures, so they were considered medical emergencies. ANU managed to get an other organization to take them, since they do not have a space of their own, unfortunately this organization did not want to get involved more than that because there was a political issue involved. In the end the people of ANU got them to take the two injured dogs.

2 dogs were rescued by some other good hearted people; the female that gave birth and the surviving puppy (unfortunately he died later) and a German Shepard mix. 5 dogs escaped, some of them have been seen back in the neighbourhood that they were taken from. The remaining 9 dogs ANU managed to get out themselves. Now ANU has 8 adult dogs that nobody wants.
"These dogs have been through enough... we only want to see them happy and re-homed!" said a volunteer from ANU.

 For more information on how to help, please visit


May 23, 2012

Botosani - Neutering campaign stopped by the authorities

May 2012 was meant to be a wonderful month for the dogs in Botosani.

Asociatia ADOR and RAR (Romanian Animal Rescue) joined forces to help solve the problem of overpopulation of stray dogs in Botosani, a problem that the City Hall Botosani has not been able to solve. In this campaign, dogs, both owned and strays, were going to be sterilized, vaccinated and dewormed. FOR FREE!
Outside the clinic

The goal was to spay/neuter up to 1000 animals in the city of Botosani, Romania, with volunteers arriving from around the globe to help. The plan was to spay/neuter animals for a duration of two weeks, the last day being May 30th, with hopes of the sterilization program reaching a large number of dogs and cats.

The public was very open to the sterilization campaign, because the number of dogs registered for sterilization for the first day was considerable; about 500 dogs and 100 cats.

Volunteers involved came from several countries (USA, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and of course Romania) to help veterinarians to operate all dogs registered.

The clinic and space where all the action took place was offered for free by VelmaVet.

On the 4th day, however, local authorities - or more specifically - the Director of DSV (Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety) Minodora Vasiliu stopped the sterilization campaign on the grounds that there were a number of statutory conditions not met. "We only observed the law", Vasiliu says, denying any foul play being involved. 

The volunteers and charity workers see it quite differently. "They gave all kinds of astonishing reasons for closing down the campaign. For instance, they claimed that we didn't have authorization from the DSV. This is false, a volunteer who actually works at the DSV personally worked on all the papers and we got the ok. We wouldn't have done it otherwise." One of the volunteers says.

Other reasons the DSV had given were that some of the volunteers didn't have medical training - This was true, however, the volunteers weren't doing any medical action, they were sorting the dogs, petting to keep them calm, brushing them, cleaning before surgery, removing hair in the operation area before the vets would take them on the table, talking to the owners, reassuring the dogs once they were awake from the anesthetics etc.
Director of DSV Minodora Vasiliu

The DSV also claimed that the space was too small - The vet clinic in question was the only one that agreed to help with the sterilization campaign, no other veterinary cabinet wished to help because of being politically controlled or fear of repercussion from helping ADOR. The RAR team was available to do the operations in other spaces, even in tents, but the DVS specifically asked for a vet clinic and the charities conformed. "The space was enough given that it was a spayathon directing at neutering stray dogs, not a luxury salon for dogs. The vets worked perfectly in there, so again this was a far fetched reason."

Other claims were made as well, like that the dogs were put on blankets on the clinic's floor after the surgery and that it wasn't a septic space - Although true, it was warm enough and there were many blankets on the floor, no risk of disease really existed. Volunteers stayed besides the dogs, caring and petting and making sure they were perfectly safe. It was far better than doing it how the local vets do it; simply putting the spayed dog into the owner's arms right after the surgery is ready, even though most people have no idea how to care for the dogs after the surgery. That's why the charities and their volunteers wanted to keep the dogs for a few hours at the clinic and keep them under observation, instructing owners on how to care for them. People from abroad working in hospitals even said that this sometimes happens with humans too and that there is no real problem as long as someone didn't specifically put dirt onto the dogs' wounds.

Apparently unaccustomed to western veterinary skills, the DSV were skeptical about the quick pace and small incision scars left from the surgery, not taking into consideration that the surgeons were extremely skilled and used good surgical equipment.

Probably the most ridiculous claim the DSV came up with was that the American vets don't have the legal right to do operations in Romania. When the RAR team then hired good doctors from other cities in Romania (Romanian vets), this wasn't good enough for the DSV either. They wanted every vet that performed surgery to have a clinic in Botosani(?!), and that they would each operate in their own clinic, not have them all come to one clinic and perform the surgeries in the same clinic.

The final reason, and also the official one, the DSV decided to go with, was that only 15 animals could have been sterilized per day, instead of 55. This would have meant the veterinarians would have had to stay for 66 more days, which financially wouldn't be possible, since everything was being payed for from donations received.

If there was ANY base to the claims made by the DSV, then why hasn't there been any problems with the sterilization campaigns organized and conducted under the same conditions in other cities: Craiova, Cluj Turda, Sibiu, Oradea, Galati, Blackpool, Moreni. In these cities the local authorities have supported the efforts of sponsors and volunteers. And for the claims of limited operations per day, just take a look at last years successful Craiova Spayathon campaign by RAR, where four veterinarians, two from the United States and two from Romania, spayed 1400 dogs and cats during 10 days!

The true reasons for this ludicrous charade by the DSV's director lies most likely in the outcome of last years stray dog massacre in Botosani, where over 200 dogs were killed under false pretenses.

DSV's director Minodora Vasiliu, as well as the mayor of Botosani Catalin Flutur among others, were considered to be prosecuted by the Botosani Court for their involvement in the massacre. Unfortunately, corruption prevailed, and the aforementioned only got a bad image, nothing else.

Asociatia ADOR was the one who made the 2011 Botosani dog massacre public, which lead to bad publicity for DSV's director Minodora Vasiliu. Vasiliu is also married to a local vet who apparently was less than happy that people got their dogs neutered for free instead of paying to use his practice, a posh and expensive clinic in Botosani.

The public feels betrayed by the unreasonable decision to end the sterilization campaign, quotes;

"Where was the law when the decision was made to kill the 240 dogs in Botosani public shelter? Do you think the people of Botosani are stupid?"

"Is it better for people who cannot afford expensive veterinarian services to leave their dogs unsterilized because of the DSV's personal vendettas??"

"Amazing how suddenly some are so quick to "respect the law" and ask for papers over papers, accreditations and credentials only when it suites them! When they brutally killed 240 dogs last year, did that comply with the law?"

It has been stated time and time again that spay&neuter is the only solution to reduce the overpopulation of unwanted animals. It is unfathomable that the city of Botosani has not risen to the occasion to be part of the solution, handed to them on a silver plate.

Shameful. And truly, truly sad.


Interview with Nancy Janes from RAR and Veterinarian Aurelian Stefan:

April 27, 2012

Introduction - Asociaţia PetHope

Asociatia PetHope consists of 10 active people that came together out of love for animals.
Their animal protection association was founded in April 2010.

They focus on spay & neuter, education and emergencies.

"Basically we focus on spay/neuter as it is the only way to do something for the future of these dogs, but we never turn away when an animal is suffering and help urgent cases. We also help when it comes to adoptions, national and international.
We have at the moment  50 dogs in our care, half of them are dogs that need special care after something bad happened to them. The others are living in a mini-shelter and waiting for forever homes." -Alina, PetHope



After years of experience Pet Hope has come to the conclusion that the only way to change the situation of stray dogs in the city is to spay and neuter, to act upon the source not the effect.

Stray dogs are mainly found on companies and factories premises. Dogs are fed there by employees and are able to reproduce very quickly.

This is one of the reasons why Pet Hope, together with the Timisoara City Hall, started a program to spay and neuter the dogs living at companies and factories.
  The City Hall will pay for the materials used in surgeries and Pet Hope has to pay for for veterinarian services.

PetHope also has a separate spay&neuter program which they started together with the students from ASMVT (the veterinary students association from Timisoara).

Together with ASMVT we are trying to build, step by step, our own spay and neuter program.

The plan is to build a post-op space (which has already started), to get a car, and to raise money for the spay and neuter itself.

Ideally, some day we dream of having our own spay/neuter clinic (optionally mobile), where vets can volunteer every day.

In order to do all that we need a lot of help: volunteers, funds, support of the authorities. Everyone should get involved because it is a problem of the community, not only of animal lovers.




Almost every day we are called for animals who are suffering, all over the city.
Sometimes, what we see is horrible and the amount of suffering is huge.
Here you can see a few cases:



Sometimes people say: "You put so much energy in saving only one dog, when you could save so many others instead!". But look at these pictures, look in their eyes and tell us it is not worth it or that you wouldn't do the same?

Together with the students from the veterinary faculty, 
we are building a space where dogs or cats can stay 
after their surgery, but also our, lately many, emergencies.
The students do a great, great job and without the kind 
donations of some Pet Hope members we couldn't do it.


There was a time when PetHope took every puppy from the streets they could find.
But soon realized it just isn't possible to take them all.
Many of them got adopted, but some weren't so lucky. Now they have grown. The perspective of keeping them in a mini-shelter all their lives is depressing.
Newer dogs come from emergencies and abuse.

"These kennels are the best we can do for our dogs right now... Conditions are not the best as you can see, but the dogs are healthy and still sociable. Though they cannot live all their lives in here...."

"These (the ones occupying the mini-shelter at the moment) are just some of our dogs who are strong enough to live like this. Others are in foster homes."

PetHope has partnered up with two animal protection associations in Germany.
Once a month they send dogs and cats which have found families there.
"Because Facebook is being such a great help, we have found more wonderful people from all over Europe that are adopting animals from Romania."


In the end of 2011 musician Nicolae Bialis had a wonderful idea: to organize a concert with his fellow artists for the strays in Timisoara by fund raising, but most important to show the support of the artists for the "spay/neuter" method.

"The result has been fantastic, and we thank all the people involved from the bottom of our hearts!"
The local theater and the local opera house took the organization of the event in their own skillful hands and together with Pet Hope, the Art Time Association and the Association for Timisoara Cultural Capital of Europe, put up an astonishing event.

Through the show PetHope displayed a presentation with photos they had gathered during the years of their activities: cases they'd found, animals they'd saved, situations they had recorded and the important message for spay/neuter.
"The guests donated 5033 RON (around 1200 Euros) which we will use very carefully to continue the spay/neuter campaign."

PetHope also arranges adoption fairs, demonstration campaigns, attends festivals with their dogs etc. They also have met local Parliament members in order to promote spay & neuter.

If you wish to be part of the change and help PetHope with their amazing work, please donate, adopt and share!



Lei Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
IBAN: RO96 RZBR 0000 0600 1253 5915
Banca Raiffeisen Bank
CIF 26863617

Euro Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
RO45 RZBR 0000 0600 1378 2216
Banca Raiffeisen Bank


April 17, 2012

Asociaţia PetHope - Bobby, the decay of a Romanian street dog

Asociaţia PetHope:

We are 10-20 people that came together out of love for animals. Our animal protection association was founded in April 2010.
We focus on spay & neuter, education and emergencies.

Bobby, the decay of a Romanian street dog

Bobby is a 1 year old street dog. He was living near the site where a 12-puppy litter was born and we went to take care of them, take them to adoption fairs, etc 
Imagine him always being around, always jumping on you and wanting to play. A wonderful dog! The neighbors loved him, fed him, played with him. We love him too. 
  His eye was infected and when we went to take him to the vet he wasn't to be found. Finally, we were called because he was lying on the field and couldn't move. The ladies say he was beaten by someone.
Before and after he was beaten

These are his injuries:
- damaged eye, cannot be saved, will be taken out in the near future (older injury)
- 2 missing teeth
- broken right leg, will recover by itself
- badly broken left front leg, needed to be fixed with metal parts
- wounds on his back leg and ear 

We don't know how this wonderful dog got in such a state, the whole thing is very sad... But we won't rest until we find out. Bobby is a very kind and gentle dog. When we visited him all he wanted was to come to us even when his leg hurt. The vet also said he has rarely seen a street dog with such good behavior.

You can watch a short video of him:

He really needs a FOREVER HOME, because being the nicest street dog didn't work out for poor Bobby. 

The costs for his surgery and hospital stay are 690 Lei (160 Euro). Any donation for him is of great help because we still have to pay this: 

Lei Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
IBAN: RO96 RZBR 0000 0600 1253 5915
Banca Raiffeisen Bank CIF 26863617 

Euro Account:
Asociaţia Pet Hope
RO45 RZBR 0000 0600 1378 2216
Banca Raiffeisen Bank


Bobby is at Dog City ( now, in a dog hotel. Thanks guys for that. The ladies from the neighborhood he lived in collected donations to pay for another month, which is great to see!!!
Bobby really needs this foster place because of the metal frame around his leg. We went to the vet and he said it is remarkable how well the leg is: not swollen, puts it down sometimes, but not when he runs fast. That is very good. The eye will be removed when the metal parts will be removed (in 3-4 weeks), to prevent an infection. The trip with Bobby was great. He has a really wonderful personality and the one who will adopt him will be a lucky man!

Metal parts removed before Christmas and now Bobby is walking great! His eye didn't need to be removed.
BEST NEWS: Bobby has a home!!! He shares the yard with a German shepherd lady. She needed a partner to guard the house that is under construction. We visited one evening and he was so excited!!! We will visit him every time we go to Dog City as it is near them. Thank you guys from Dog City for finding him a place to stay!!! Bobby is a special dog and we will keep in touch with him always!

We had to take Bobby back because his owner didn't want him anymore :(
He is the same playful and loving dog :)
His legs are fully recovered, his eye is affected but not infected so he can keep it, even though he probably doesn't see with it. The other eye is OK.
Bobby deserves a LOVING HOME! Please consider adopting him!

This was Bobby. Always there, always happy, always jumping on you.
People in the neighborhood loved him, fed him, played with him.

He lived at a site where a 12-puppy litter was born. We took care of the pups, gave them up for adoption. Every time we went there he was always by our side. Simply a lovely dog.

 One day we noticed that he had a problem with his eye.
The next day we wanted to take him to a vet but he wasn't to be found.
 Finally we were called that he lies in the field and cannot move. We rushed him to the vet.
His eye cannot be saved. It was an external object that hurt his eye.
But the other problems were much more severe.

People in the neighborhood said he was beaten by someone. We won't rest until we find out what happened to him.
He had wounds on his back leg and on his ear.

The biggest problem is that both front legs were fractured.
One not so bad, it will recover by itself, but the other was broken in 2 places.
 His surgery for the broken leg went well. He will have to carry the metal parts for 6 weeks.


  He is such a kind dog. When we visited him all he wanted is to come beside a human being, even if he walks very slow.
The vet also says he has rarely seen a street dog which such a nice behavior.
The eye will need to be taken out, but not now, because he is going through a lot already.
 This is the solution for his leg to recover. These metal parts will come out in 6 weeks.
 It was so sad to see in what a state he was... after seeing the dog he was.

 We really hope, and the vet assures us, that he will make a full recovery and that we'll find a nice loving family for him.
Our lovely partners Dog City made space in their dog hotel for Bobby, because it was such a desperate case and we found no foster home for him.
 Dog trainer Robert told us Bobby has great character. He is allowed to take walks outside with the other dogs and he is very sociable & nice.
Romanians would say "e un caine de treaba"


 Here's Bobby in his last home before being returned by his new owner..... Life being chained just isn't for Bobby (or any other dog for that matter).


And this is Bobby now (to the right)
 Who would have thought? One eyed Bobby is the boss of the yard he lives in from day 1!

As you can see his favorite thing are still people, which he tries to keep there as long as possible :)

 The students from the vet college came to treat, socialize and take samples. The dogs where so happy, including Bobby of course :D as he is always happy.


For more pictures and updates of Bobby, please visit PetHope's facebook page

Thank you for taking the time to read about Bobby.